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VanLife Gadgets and Gifts
Having got this Toaster Grill as a cheaper alternative to the Ridge Monkey we’ve been really impressed with it and have found more uses than we expected. With a campfire it is a nice easy way to cook without having to worry too much about the flames charing the food.
From toasties to chips, a full breakfast to Chocolate banana’s not only is it great on the fire, when cooking on the hob it keeps control of any splatter. The non stick coating makes it easy to use and clean and seems to be holding up well in use. |
For those with longer hair and who hair straighteners are something they can’t do with out. These USB rechargeable hair straighteners - do a pretty good job for the price.
They are not going to replace a set of GHDs but as an off grid and easily charged alternative, they are better then the gas powered ones you can get. |
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